1972 selected for inaugural shorts to features slate at Gotham Week’s Project Market

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Boston Globe

"…an engrossing and moving solo show."

Boston Globe

Edge Media Network

"Ms. Chibas' storytelling is so masterful, you can envision everything that is not represented."

Edge Media Network

New York Post

"The results are fascinating… with her vibrant and skillful performance, and a physicality (best displayed in her imitation of her parents' dancing together) that animates the material… it's as if she's literally treading through a graveyard of memories. - Frank Scheck"

New York Post

New York Theater Review

"Chibas throws her whole body gracefully, sometimes torturedly, into every gesture, almost always starting with a movement of her fingers that then radiates into the rest of her. Chibas has a dancer's physicality that keeps her compulsively watchable. Great stuff, perfectly played. - David Lefkowitz"

New York Theater Review

The Los Angeles Times

"She hooks us emotionally at the outset, and we’re right with her for the rest of her journey of self-discovery…Chibas touches the human need to know who we are and where we come from. - Agustin Gurza"

The Los Angeles Times

The New Yorker

"Chibas portrays her childhood immersion in the mixed emotions of exile with impassioned and physically unstinting acting. We succumb to her magnetic force. -Jason Zinoman"

The New Yorker